This is my finished piece. I used a Paintbrush for the ink in the background to give it a solid look. I also used water pens for the stone. For the man, i used black ink and hatched the lines to give him color and texture.


  1. Materials: Brown Pelican Ink, Black Ink, Ink Pen, Water pen, pencil, grid,
    Processes: Drew the image using a graph, transferred to watercolor paper, used ink and pen to fabricate the church behind him and fill in the colors.
    Ideas: Put the priest who was the head of the Armenian church, Kevork the 'Sorrowful', in his seat of power in 1921. He was known for his humanitarian efforts throughout his reign. He stayed while the cathedral was under threat. This encapsulates the hope of the 70,000 refugees. The seige determined whether the church would survive. As the head of the church, he instructed the bishops to ring the bells and defend the area.

  2. Very nice, it is quite an improvement! I know you worked on the beard more today. I would say it's 85% done. We need 7 projects by Christmas. 2 can be progress shots like your first piece. If you add another one it needs to be an advanced progress shot. This grade will go up before Christmas if it is finished, cropped, and the materials and processes and ideas are added to each piece.
    If you want to do the transfer idea for the earlier pieces we can try that but it has to be completed before Christmas so that we don't get behind. That is your semester final. 15 pieces are due by May.


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